Rc.54 Upper Primary Level Teachers Trainings in Telangana | Guidlines for UP level Teachers Training in Telangana Released |
Training of Upper Primary Teachers in Mathematics and
- At Divisional level trainings, the CD will be Dy.E.Os / School Complex HM. The selection of Course Director should be done by the P.O of SSA in consultation with the DEO.
- The DRPs trained in respective subjects at State level will be the Resource persons at the divisional level.
- In each Divisional level, the training for teachers shall be conducted in spells till all the teachers in the respective subject are covered. The training in each spell shall be done for 3 days in two parallel batches.
- After completion of training in Science, the next subject i.e., Mathematics shall be commenced. So that the schools will not get disturbed without teachers.
- The venues with good infrastructural facilities preferably Secondary Schools, having adequate furniture with good accommodation equipped
- with lab facilities for conduct of Training at Division level shall be
- utilized. While selecting the venues care should be taken that the upper primary sections are accessible to the venue, so that the children of upper primary sections shall be utilized for conduct of activities and demonstrations.
- The 3- day training will be conducted in a
non-residential mode. - The proposed training schedule for conduct of 3- day training in Sciences
- shall start from 1st December, 2014 onwards at divisional level / group of mandals accommodating not more than 50 participants in each batch. In each division parallel two batches shall be organized.
- Representing each division in the district a team of 4- DRPs were identified comprising of two teachers handling Sciences for VI and VII classes; one teacher handling physical science and another teacher handling
Bio-science atclass-VIII. In each division the4-memeber team shall be made into twosub-teams in the following combination - o
Sub-team-1: One DRP handling VI, VII sciences + one DRP handling Physical sciences of Class VIII - o
Sub-team-II: One DRP handling VI, VII sciences + one DRP handling Biological sciences of Class VIII - The participants who are teaching
class-VIII with Physics and Biological sciences have facility to opt respective batches. The teachers handling only VI and VII can be accommodated in any two batches. - Likewise in Science training, the
3-day Mathematics training shall be organized in two parallel batches with 50 participants in each batch. - Representing each division in the district, a team of
4-DRPs are those identified comprising of two teachers handling Mathematics for VI and VII classes and other two teachers handling Mathematics forclass-VIII. - Likewise in Sciences, each district shall comprises
3—6 teams have been trained at State level in Mathematics. - oIn each division the
4-member team shall be made into two sub- teams in the following combination. Eachsub-team will have a combination of one DRP handling VI, VII Mathematics another DRP handling Mathematics forclass-VIII. - The DEOs and P.Os of SSA are requested to finalize the list of teachers and subjects in which each teacher is to be trained. In case of High schools, when there are more than one teacher handing VI, VII and VIII Science or maths subjects, only one teacher per subject (Science and Maths) should be identified and sent to the training. Further they are requested to finalize the number of spells and phases of the training calendar and forward the same to the SPO before 29th November, 2014 without fail
- The DPOs and MEOs shall prepare the list of teachers handling the classes VI, VII and VIII along with the subjects they are dealing. Ensure that the training is imparted in the subject they are handing at school level.received from all the Mandals and submit the same to the SPO
phase-wise. The Course Directors shall procure the necessary Teaching Learning Materials such as Charts, handouts, textbooks, stationery, kits, Science and Maths materials well in advance. Ensure that the material shall be made available on the first day of the training. Prior information shall be given to the participants to attend the trainings with textbooks and with minimum following materials by each participant as a mandatory on the first day of the training programme. - o Science : Science kits, if any similar materials Beaker 50 ml
-1 Measuring jar-1 Glass bottle-1