Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Computer Aided Learning Programme Certain Instructions

Rc 1316 Dt 23.12.2014 Instructions Regarding CAL Schools TSSA -DEC - Implementation of computer aided learning programme in CAL schools- Certaininstructions- Issued- Reg.

All the Project Officers !District Educational Officers in the state are here by' informed that, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan has supplied 5 computers, 2 Ups, 1 CPU and 1 Printer along with furniture to some UP and Primary Schools in the State.
In this regard, some of Interactive Multimedia Programmes and other Audio & Video Programme also supplied to CAL Schools. These programmes have to be utilized for children and the supplied computers also have to be in working condition. Therefore supplied CDs. shall be used in proper way while monitoring the CAL Schools.

The Project Officers / District Educational Officers are requested to give necessary instructions to the filed functionaries of the Districts for monitoring the CAL schools. The details of responsibilities of District MIS Coordinator, AMO, MandaI Educational Officers, MandaI MIS Coordinators, School Complex Head Masters and Cluster Resource Persons are shown below. ...

DPO level:
MIS Coordinator :-

  1. MIS Coordinator shall take care on functionality of computers while monitoring with mandaI MIS Coordinators and conduct monthly review meeting.
  2. MIS Coordinator shall visit CAL schools at least 4 to 5 in a month.
  3. MontWy status shall be obtained from mandaI MIS Coordinator and the same will be communicated to SP
AcademicMonitorine Officer :-
  1. Academic monitoring officer will be the responsible person for looking academic issues in CAL schools and ensure the availability of CDs and their utilization.
  2. AMO should ensure proper implementation of CAL programme with coordination of MEO & CRPs (the programme details are submitted for perusal)
  3. AMO should visit the CAL schools at least 4 to 5 in a month and obtain the information on involvement of the students in CAL programme.
  4. The information obtained at least montWyonce i.e., before 5thof every month and the same is to be communicated to Distance Education Coordinator of sp, in the prescribed proforma.
  5. Monthly meeting should be conducted with MEOs on CAL schools.

Mandai Level :-
Mandai Educational Officer:-

  1. MEO is totally responsible for CAL programme and functionality of Computers in CAL schools. .
  2. MEO should visit the CAL school at least 3 to 4 times in a month.
  3. MEO should permit mandaI MIS Coordinator for monitoring the C.AL schools to ensure the functionality of computers.
  4.  Meeting shall be conducted with CAL HMs and CRPs once in a month on functionality of computer and implementation of CAL Programme.
  5. The consolidated report on CAL programme and computers shall be given to

Mandai MIS Coordinator:-

  1. MIS Coordinator shall monitor the CAL schools at least 5 to 6 times in a month and ensure that all computers shall function for utilization of children.
  2. The status of functionality of computers shall be given to district MIS
  3. Coordinator once in a month before 3rdof every month.
Schoo Complex HMs :-
  1. The school complex HM has to monitor the CAL school frequently and ensure the functionality of computes and implementation of CAL programme.
  2. The review should be conducted in the school complex meetings.


  1.  CRPs are responsible for obtaining the information of implementing the CAL programme and computers functionality and use their computes and also visit thrice in a month
  2. Click Here to Download Rc.1316 Certain Instructions Regarding Implementation of CAL School Programmes in English
  3. Click Here to Download Rc.1316 Certain Instructions Regarding Implementation of CAL School Programmes in Telugu
Further, the Project Officers are informed that the CAL schools have to Tag to nearer below 1 k.m school and allot periods for CAL schools for utilization of Computers. The list of Tag schools shall be communicated to District Project Office and the same has to be communicated to State Project Office. The detailed guidelines for monitoring and preparation of the time table are enclosed here with