Procs.Rc.No.7048/B5/2014 Dated:13/02/2015. Sub:- S.E.
– Mid day Meal Programme – Release of Budget release for all components of MDM Scheme for I to VIII classes towards Stationary under MME for the
year 2014-15 amount – Release – Order – Issued – Reg.
In pursuance of
the orders issued in the proceedings of C & DSE, AP, Hyd in reference 5th
cited, the District Educational Officer, Ranga Reddy District is pleased to
accord sanction for an amount of Rs.11,05,920/- (Rupees Eleven lakhs five thousand nine hundred twenty only) for
Primary Schools I to V, Upper Primary Schools VI – VIII and Upper Primary Sections
of High schools for the year 2014-15 to the Mandal Educational Officers in the
district as shown in the annexure appended to this proceedings towards purchase
of MME under all components at school level i.e. forms, stationary, soaps,
replacement/repairs/maintenance of cooking devices, utensils, weighing machines
etc @ Rs.480.00 per each school under Mid Day Meal Scheme during the year 2014-15
i.e., April’2014 to Mar-2015 as shown in the Annexure for smooth implementation
of MDM Scheme in the district.
All the Mandal
Educational Officers in the district are requested to draw the amount and
the same amount will be transferred to the concerned Accounts of the HM’s
of Schools MPP/ZPP Schools and utilize the amount as per requirement
on the items mentioned above.
The Mandal Educational
Officers are also requested to implement the scheme in accordance with the guidelines
and instructions issued by the Govt. from time to time and also follow the
modalities for effective financial transactions of bills and maintain separate
Budget watch register for expenditure particulars. The Mandal Educational
Officers should maintain schools information separately and submit the
information while submitting the monthly/quarterly reports.
The amount sanctioned above is dubitable to the following head of
Name of the component
Head of Account
MME to schools
2236-02-101-12-SH(05)-310/312 Other Grant-in-aid
The Mandal Educational Officers in the
district are requested to incur expenditure to the extent of the amounts
sanctioned as per annexure on priority basis in the Districts as per Govt.
rules and are further requested to
furnish the Utilization certificates and expenditure particulars to this office
for onwards submission to higher authorities.
Any deviation in
following the instructions issued will be viewed seriously and the amount
mis-used, if any will be recovered from the concerned DDO’s.
C&DSE, TS, released
Budget: Rs.20,08,05,000/-
Budget of amount already
released: Rs.19,96,94,026/-
Balance amount: Rs. 11,10,974/-
Now released MME amount
to MEOs: Rs. 11,05,920/-
Balance amount:
Rs. 5,054/-