TS Academic Calendar 2015-16 | Rc 405 Telangana Academic Calendar | Academic Activities for 2015-16
- School timings the school timings for both Primary and Upper Primary/ High Schools is given here under.
Primary Schools :
7 hours per day including lunch break and short term intervals
09.00 AM to 04.00 PM with lunch break from 12.10 PM to 01.10 PM with eight (8) periods. The first period will be 45 minutes and the rest of the periods are 40 minutes duration.
Upper Primary Schools :
7 ½ hours per day including lunch break and short term intervals
09.00 AM to 04.30 PM with lunch break from 12.30 PM to 01.20 PM with eight (8) periods. All the periods are 45 minutes duration expect last period which is for co-curricular activities for a time period of 70 minutes that is 35+35 minutes for co-curricular activities/ subject transaction.
High Schools :
7 ½ hours per day including lunch break and short term intervals
09.30 AM to 05.00 PM with lunch break from 01.00 PM to 02.00 PM with eight (8) periods. The periods i.e. the first 6 periods will be for 45 and the last 2 periods will be of 40 minutes each duration.
- GHMC located Schools Timings :
No change of time. Present timings will continue. However, the total school hours i.e. 7 hours for Primary and 7 ½ hours for Upper Primary and High Schools shall be followed as per RTE Act-2009. - Summer vacation:
The summer vacation for the teachers and children will be from 24th April to 11th June, 2015 as usual and as per the earlier pattern being followed. The schools will be reopen on 12th June, 2015
- Inter-school, Inter-district and State Level competitions-Schedule :
* School Level- During July, 2015
* Mandal/ Division Level- Before 20th August, 2015
* District Level- 21st August to 15th September, 2015
* Selected candidates may be sent to State Level competitions to be held during September/October, 2015.
- Vacation period :
The vocation for both Dussehra and Sankranthi festival is given here under which will be reflected in the academic calendar.
* First term vacation for Dasera will be from 10th to 25th October, 2015.
* Second term vacation for Sankranthi will be from 11th to 17th January, 2016.
* However, second term vacation for Christian minority schools will be from 24th to 30th December, 2015.
- The dates and months of various internal exams :
The internal exams i.e. Formative Assessment (FA) scheduled for four times i.e. FA1, FA2, FA3 and FA4. Further two summative assessments have been scheduled. The dates and months of both internals that is Formative Assessment and summative examinations are given here under.
- After conduct of SA2 examinations, the teachers shall value the answer scripts and give it to the children and complete all related Records and Registers and declare the results on 20th March, 2016. Parents meeting may be convened and results may be discussed and Progress Cards (Cumulative Records) shall be issued to all the children on 20th March, 2016
- Next Academic Year :
The syllabus for the next academic year shall be commenced from 21st March, 2016 onwards and the syllabus distribution have been shown in the academic calendar for the months of March and April - The Head Masters may be requested to collect the books from the children and maintain a book bank as was done by some of the DEOs during the academic year 2014-15. Some assignments and home work to the children during summer vacation may be given so that their studies will be continued without a break. The assignments under Formative Assessment-1 may be given to the children to perform during summer vacation.
- The DEOs are requested to deploy the teachers from the private aided and private schools for invigilation work and utilize the services of the teachers from the Government schools mainly as Chief Superintendents in the centres.
For spot valuation of SSC examinations, government teachers only will be taken. The services of Primary teachers shall not be used as invigilators and other related duties for SSC/ Intermediate examinations as per RTE Act. - Teacher trainings :
In order to improve the quality of the trainings, the focus will be on developing subject specific forums at State and District Level for all the subjects. Good and committed teachers may be identified to act as Resource Persons. Their services will be used for training and academic monitoring of schools and supporting DCEB activities. ICT will be used for supporting teachers for effective implementation of curriculum.
School Complex Meetings :
* It is proposed for strengthening of School Complex Meetings. Professional expertise is required for the Asst. Secretaries and accordingly may be selected. The expert LFL HMs may also be considered for Primary meetings.
* Effective monitoring for regular attendance of teachers and their participation shall be focused.
* The DIETs/ CTEs shall focus on effective conduct of School Complex Meetings and training to School Complex HMs and Asst. Secretaries.
* A Handbook on School Complex Meetings may be developed.
- Academic monitoring of schools to ensure effective implementation of curriculum and achieving the expected learning outcomes :
* The DEOs shall plan for and ensure strong and effective academic monitoring of schools to ensure effective implementation of curriculum and CCE and ensure children learning achievement.
* The Dy.EOs may be supported with an expert group of subject specific Head Masters and SRGs/ DRGs as a panel. The panel inspection of High Schools shall be taken up once in a quarter.
* The performance of schools against the standards as benchmarked may be taken up in the form of self appraisals followed by external appraisals by the panel. The performance data of the schools shall be put on-line for generating the reports.
* Similarly, a group with MEO with DRGs and other expert teachers to monitor the Primary Schools
- Remedial teaching to address the children backward in basic competencies of reading, writing and arithmetic :
High School Head Masters are responsible to ensure all children to attain basic competencies of reading, writing and arithmetic so as to enable the children to participate in the teaching learning process and involve in self learning. Therefore, a target is fixed on every Head Master of High Schools that there shall be no students without basic competencies of reading, writing and arithmetic pertaining to class VI to X by 30th October, 2015. Similarly, target is set for Primary School Head Masters to make all children read and write and basic arithmetic for classes II to V by the end of October, 2015. It is up to the Head Masters and their staff to discuss and finalize a strategy to achieve the expected competencies of basic literacy and numeracy. Otherwise it is insulting to have children without reading and writing even after schooling of 4 to 8 years in our schools. The State monitoring teams shall observe the efforts of Head Master and teachers in planning and addressing the basic competencies among students and progress therein
- Half day schools :
The existing system of half day schools is removed and full session schools shall be conducted from 15th March to 23rd April.
Therefore, the RJDSEs and DEOs are requested to read the above instructions carefully and discuss the above instructions with Dy.EOs, DIET staff, MEOs and plan for programmes for effective implementation of curriculum and improve the learning achievement the children. The DEOs are requested to furnish an action plan on the above issues to the Director of School Education by 25th June, 2015 without fail. The State Level team shall review the initiation of the DEO in planning and implementation of above issues during the team visits. The Director, SCERT shall monitor the academic issues as above and progress and furnish a report on quarterly basis to the Director of School Education undersigned - Click Here to Download Academic Calendar 2015-16 for Telangana Schools
Formative Assessment (Internals):
Summative Assessment:
Assessment (FA)
Evaluating children
works and awarding the grades
31st July, 2015
31st August, 2015
30th November, 2015
FA4 for classes I to IX
28th February, 2016
FA4 for class X
31st January, 2016