TS Pr.Rc.No 646 Redeployment of eligible CRPs as MIS
Coordinators,Data Entry Operators,IERPs and CRTs|SSA, Telangana|Sarva
Shiksha Abhiyan TSSA
All the Project Officers of TSSA in the State are aware that the Cluster Resource Persons are in position more than the sanctioned no. of posts in all the districts due to re-organisation of School complexes. Therefore, it is decided to redeploy them as MIS Coordinators,Data Entry Operators, IERPs and CRIs in the vacant posts subject to possession of requisite qualifications so as to reduce the excess no. of CRPs in thye Districts.
Click Here to download Pr.Rc.No.646
All the Project Officers of TSSA in the State are aware that the Cluster Resource Persons are in position more than the sanctioned no. of posts in all the districts due to re-organisation of School complexes. Therefore, it is decided to redeploy them as MIS Coordinators,Data Entry Operators, IERPs and CRIs in the vacant posts subject to possession of requisite qualifications so as to reduce the excess no. of CRPs in thye Districts.
Click Here to download Pr.Rc.No.646