Degree Online Services of Telangana DOST Admissions 2020
welcomes you to take online admissions for undergraduate courses through this online service for the academic year 2020-21. DOST is a friendly and effortless way to apply for your undergraduate courses. DOST helps you in choosing your favourite undergraduate course with all the information you wish to know. DOST minimizes your efforts and maximises your choices to opt for an undergraduate course. Online Services Telangana (dost) Candidates seeking admission to Ist year B.A./B.Sc./B.Com.(Gen/ Computers/ Comp.Appln.) /B.Com.(Voc)/BSW /BBA /BBM/BCA Degree courses in Osmania University, Kakatiya University, Telangana University, Palamuru University, Mahathma Gandhi University and Satavahana Universities Admissions.
The State Board of Higher Education on Thursday released the Dost notification for admissions in degree colleges under all the universities in Telangana. The registration process will be online from August 24 to September 7. For registration process Rs. 200 to be paid. Registered students will be required to submit web options between August 29th and September 8th. Allocation of seats for first release admissions September 1
Read: How to Apply Online for DOST Degree Online Services-Telangana
Apply Online for Degrre Admissions in Telangana through DOST
Degree Admissions will be done through Online only. Candidatesshould apply online
Tentative Admission Schedule, DOST 2020-21.
S.NO Details Dates
1 Notification 20.08.2020
2 Registrations and Web options 24.08.2020 to 07.09.2020
3 Web Options for DOST 29.08.2020 to 08.09.2020
4 Seat Allotment-first list 16.09.2020
5 Reporting to Colleges by Students 17.09.2020 to 22.09.2020
6 II Phase Web Options only for sliding
7 Seat Allotment-second list
8 Reporting to Colleges by Students
9 III and Last phase Web Options and registrations for Supplementary students and those who have not registered and web options for all
10 Seat Allotment-third List
11 Reporting to Colleges by Students
12 Commencement of Class Work-I Semester
13 Intra College Phase
14 Seat Allotment
S.NO | Details | Dates |
1 | Notification | 20.08.2020 |
2 | Registrations and Web options | 24.08.2020 to 07.09.2020 |
3 | Web Options for DOST | 29.08.2020 to 08.09.2020 |
4 | Seat Allotment-first list | 16.09.2020 |
5 | Reporting to Colleges by Students | 17.09.2020 to 22.09.2020 |
6 | II Phase Web Options only for sliding | |
7 | Seat Allotment-second list | |
8 | Reporting to Colleges by Students | |
9 | III and Last phase Web Options and registrations for Supplementary students and those who have not registered and web options for all | |
10 | Seat Allotment-third List | |
11 | Reporting to Colleges by Students | |
12 | Commencement of Class Work-I Semester | |
13 | Intra College Phase | |
14 | Seat Allotment |
- For Intermediate Students of Telangana :
- Your Intermediate Hall Ticket Number.
- Your AADHAR Card Number.
- Credit Card / Debit Card / Net Banking facility to pay your admission fee.
- Your recent passport size photo. (Scanned photo not more than 100 Kb.).
- You need a valid mobile number.
- Your Caste Certificate Number issued by MEESEVA (If applying under any reservation).
- Your Income Certificate Number issued by MEESEVA (Required if scholarships are claimed).
- Sports, NCC, NSS, CAP and PH scanned certificate copies in case of availing admission under special category.
- Students of other states :
- Your qualifing examination Hall ticket Number.
- Your AADHAR Card Number.
- Credit Card / Debit Card / Net Banking facility to pay your admission fee.
- Your recent passport size photo. (Scanned photo not more than 100 Kb.).
- You need a valid mobile number.
- Your Caste Certificate (If applying under any reservation).
- Your Income Certificate (Required if scholarships are claimed).
- Sports, NCC, NSS, CAP and PH scanned certificate copies in case of availing admission under special category
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