Lr. No. 1048/ A2/TSSA/RR/2016 Dated. 05-06-2016
Sub: TSSA Rangareddy District- Celebration of Prof.
Jayashankar Badi Bata-day wise programme- communicated-Reg.
Ref:- 1.Guidelines and Day wise programme
communicated by the State Project Director on 03-06-2016.
Instructions given by Hon’ble Deputy CM and Minster for education Government of
Telangana through video Conference held on 03-06-16.
- As per instructions of the Hon’ble Deputy CM and Minster for education Government of Telangana vide reference 2nd cited, has instructed to conduct Prof. Jayashankar Badi Bata programme from 08-06-2016 to 16-06-2016 for improvement of enrollment in Government Schools at least 5 % to previous year in each school involving all the district, Mandal, Village officers, SMCs and NGOs.
- The State Project Director TSSA, Telangana, Hyderabad vide reference 1st cited has communicated detailed day wise programme with detailed activities to be taken up during this programme.
- In view of the instructions of Hon’ble Deputy CM and Minster for education Government of Telangana and State Project Director TSSA, Telangana, Hyderabad, the following activities to be under taken.
- Click here to Download Day wise Activities of Badi Bata