1. The Director of School Education is informed that the Collectors must assess the possibility of starting English Medium in certain schools based on SMC/Gram Panchayat Resolutions,availability of teachers and also Mathematics books in English would be provided depending on the enrolment in class 1
2. Some collectors are mentioning about the starting of LKG & UKG in Govt Schools.
Such proposals should be verified first based on the following:
- The Gram Panchayt /SMC must pass a Resolution to this effect.
- The WD&CW Dept should agree to the shifting of the Anganwadies.
- The schools where it is proposed ,should have necessary infrastructure
- The Staff working in the Anganwadi will have to come to the School along with the children and Ayahs and they have to continue the activities of the Anganwadies.
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