Tuesday, July 26, 2016

GO MS No 264 Age Relaxation for TSPSC Direct Recruitments in Telangana

GO MS No 264 Age Relaxation for TSPSC Direct Recruitments in Telangana State | Upper age  limit relaxation Direct Recruitment from Telangana State Public Service Commission
PUBLIC SERVICES – Direct Recruitment – Raising of Upper Age Limit by 10 years for the ensuing recruitments through Telangana State Public Service Commission and other Recruiting Agencies for a period of one year – Further extension - Orders – Issued.

Reference: G.O.Ms.No.329, G.A (Ser.A) Department, dt: 27.07.2015.

Government, after examination of the matter, hereby decided to extend the time limit prescribed in the Adhoc Rule issued in G.O. read above for a further period of one year i.e. up to 26.07.2017.
2. Accordingly, the following notification will be published in the Telangana Gazette:-
In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Telangana hereby makes the following amendment to the Adhoc Rule issued in G.O.Ms.No.329, General Administration (Services-A) Department, dt.27.7.2015:-
In the said Adhoc  Rule, for the expressions “for a period of one year” shall be substituted with the expressions “for a period of two years”.