Rc 77 Revised Work Distributions as per New Academic Calendar in TS SCERT Telangana Hyderabad Academic Calendar for 2016-17 Distribution of work among SA Physics and SA Mathematics in High Schools Orders issued | Subject wise allotment of periods per week in Upper Primary and High Schools
Key Points
- SA Phy.Science shall take up Maths classes for VI along with Physics subjects for VIII, IX and X
- SA Maths shall take up Maths to VII VIII IX and X. Work Education and Computer classses shall be take up by SA Phy. Science
- In case Second SA Maths available for single section schools , Maths Classes for VI VII VIII may be alloted to Second SA Maths
- The PET/PDs shall take up monitoring of MDM Programme in Schools
- Click here to Download RC 77 Dt 02.08.2016